Monday, February 06, 2006

two to go, three to come back.
i guess i've been living in some state of denial, better yet, deferral. not that i was conscious of this deferral, of course, more like you know you have to paint the outside of the house before it snows but you put it off till october anyway. but now it's really getting close.
last week i went to pick up our tickets and for whatever reason, it kinda just struck me as... er... odd. using my best Matrix "Architect" voice;
"the door to the left, you don't go to china, you grow old, alone with your wife with very little use for that extra room and less for the tons of gifts she got at the shower. the door to the right, you go to china, meet this little munchkin, fall in love immediately, go through a mad rush of emotions, you grow old, having your heart broken and warmed a million times over and sort of live happily ever after.
maybe i shoulda done the blue pill, red pill ...


At 2/14/2006 10:05 PM, Blogger sass said...

your gonna make a great dad!

At 2/14/2006 11:13 PM, Blogger sass said...

that was george that wrote that. hence, the grammatical error.

but yes, you're going to be an amazing dad!!

At 2/15/2006 9:42 PM, Blogger demetri said...

thanks guys! i'll believe you in about, oh, twenty years or so.


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