Thursday, March 09, 2006

Look who's learning about doggies! Alana has been having fun watching the dogs romp around and they have been a little weary of her but have been slowly making advances to sniff. Today Alana got a nice wet sloppy doggie kiss from Lola and we were able to catch Lola acting as a back rest! No really, it wasn't staged at all! To tell the truth all is not well in paradise. We have been battling this cold as well as sleep deprivation since we got back. Kiddo has been less than interested in taking naps and visiting the doctor for her first shots didn't help matters. Dr. Mommy, in her infinite wisdom, decided to schedule Alana's first vaccines. One shot in each leg. Would you believe she didn't even flinch? At least, for the first one. Then, only after the needle was pulled out on the second one did she let out a SOLID wail. That lasted a good 3 seconds and it was back to being a happy little kiddo! What a trooper. Daddy, on the other hand, was getting wobbly knees and was about to pass out. Wuss. So after that excitement, we went home and nursed the slight fever Alana had from the shots. "Hey, I've got an idea, (inhale bat) let's fly back from China and start making appointments to really screw the sleep schedule up! pfffffffffffffffffffffffff." Oi.


At 3/10/2006 6:48 AM, Blogger Trixie said...

This is charming photo! This response (the backrest/cuddle) is very normal. My dog does this all the time and she is a smaller (20 lbs) dog. This is a very good sign because children who live with dogs have stronger immune systems. Hang in there with the whole schedule thing and the colds. God I am hoping that we don't have it quite as rough!

At 3/10/2006 9:35 AM, Blogger demetri said...

Actually, it was staged. I think I have to work on my written sarcasm a little! Thanks folks!

At 3/10/2006 10:52 AM, Blogger Entropy Fighter (EF) said...

March 10,2006.
Hi Carol,
It is 10:30 AM and I am still in PJ's and am enjoying seeing Jim's Blog. Alana is so precious and everyone on 4E is following your adventure and wishing you all the best. The ward is still hell and I am so glad to be home today- I feel jetlagged. Keep up the great diary,Jim. We all love it. Hope to see you soon!Sandie

At 3/10/2006 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jim?.....jim??is that you? i keep calling to talk to my niece but no one is there????\


At 3/17/2006 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo...short blogs are good too
...i've been kooling at the same pic for days now

At 3/17/2006 12:45 PM, Blogger demetri said...

yeah, yeah, i know. i was getting around to it!


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